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Having a new perspective,

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

Many earthlings believe that those with psychic abilities allow them to tune in to the other side. Therefore, they can see or think of others as different or unique. Dear hearts on earth, everyone possesses these abilities because all of you are spiritual beings, but some are more aware of it than others. That is all to it!♥

Many had chosen to turn off their psychic abilities out of fear since it is known many have been burned at stake for using their psychic abilities. Even though subconsciously, they seem to be averted from the idea of tapping on their Magic. Others do not believe that psychic abilities are possible or real. Therefore many choose to un-manifest their psychic abilities into absence.

Beloved hearts understand you are LOVED very much, all of you, for being brave and here on Earth at this magnificent time in human history.

Many have chosen to block their psychic abilities to fully concentrate on certain life lessons chosen for completion in this lifetime. While others are simply not evolved enough to handle these natural abilities responsibly, therefore, their Higher Self has temporarily blocked them to protect them. Those who we are ready to assist these divine souls on a safe journey are here right now; in a way, we are the way-makers for all those awakening from a very similar history of density.

No one can be obliged to participate in something that is not within their vibrational frequency; however, it is to let the heart vibration and recollection of past incarnations move forward confidently and fulfill ONE’s Divine commission, whichever this may be. A mission from the day before ONE entered Earth, choose to assist the betterment of all and become part of the Earth cognition. Willingness is all ONE can choose to assist humanity in their ascension like never before.

There are many awakened spiritual beings but not enough compared to how many inhabitants the Earth has. These souls have remembered their spiritual journey in the now reality. Upon heartfelt actions, ONEself ignites the mighty essence to manifest all that the Multiverse bestows within the individual expression of the heart, not by seeking retribution nor fame. Through the LOVE feelings, vibration frequency of the Multiverse.

Open your minds, beloved earthlings! To prosper the uppermost magnificent reality of your blue planet ascension, those who understand why you are here can assist Aria, a new Earth reality. After all, everything is connected with everything else and everyone else? The pure heartfelt vibration of ONEself can change an entire planet's reality.

Let us conduct together as one unity consciousness and become increasingly ONE human race so that no one can take us apart because we have become ONE.

Do what is in your hearts, beloved earthlings, for a new Earth reality.

Thank you for listening from my heart to your heart.

Always, Sonia

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