Be Divine now and Forever
Divine souls on earth,
I like to believe that we all know that life is eternal, unlimited without ending. Even when the physical body gives up regardless of how many divine souls depart, regardless of the circumstances.
Many souls will continue to aspire in the way of freedom and eternal love to regain and fill the soul with the frequency of Omnipotent love to become renewed. It doesn’t matter how many creative ways one is destined to exit from the physical into the Non-Physical world.
We know the whole picture, grieve no longer for any beloved departed ones. Let us release the bondage, obligation, pain, resentment, or any other form of emotional suffering causing the short-sighted point of view in physical existence, going through a substantial self-induce mourns.
Breathe, instead, celebrate the Omnipotent love all around you; plants, flowers, vegetables, all creatures of the animal kingdom, including earthlings, are here to experience a physical existence from the spiritual world into the physical world.
We are forever spiritual beings living a human or physical existence instead of humans trying to live a spiritual path. To be spiritual does not mean to become holy and poor. Instead, unlock the limits set in place or programs of the matrix. To become free in all aspects of the now moment's mental, physical, and spiritual realms. The belief that something is possible or the belief that something is not is what limits you.
To live in mental, physical, and material abundance as the self-recognition of the pure essence and existence of Omnipotent and Multidimensional love ONE is. Be, live, do what ONE most before leaving behind physicality, no matter how short or long our visit of time is in the priceless physical body, or priceless blue planet takes. Forgive, love, share, experience, and feel thankful for suffering or not on any plane of existence. Be grateful for experiencing failure or success inspire. Be thankful for living at ONE’s maximum capacity of the unlimited and pure source of existence in the now moment.
I dedicate these words to all living beings, especially those beloved beings that breathed and are gone.
To my beautiful feline, my beloved Merlin, thank you for teaching us and reminding us of the pure unconditional love of oneself expression, for sharing and living each day without limits, even before departing.