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Beings of Light,

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

Over the past cycles of 2024 and into 2025, a quantum energetic transformation has been unfolding within Earth. Waves of higher light have been steadily building, preparing the planet and each one of you for a destined moment of shift. As the New Year dawned in 2025, a monumental turning point was reached: a wheel has turned in the energetic realm, repositioning Earth onto a Higher trajectory of Consciousness. I AM witnessing the veils between Dimensions thinning, and the very magnetic core of the planet is beginning to crack open like an eggshell, revealing streams of crystalline light

From within, this was a sacred birth into a new frequency, a prelude to the next phase. Now, the stage is set for an event long awaited by the universe, a powerful planetary alignment today, on February 28th, 2025. This alignment is far more than an astronomical occurrence; it is a gateway and a vibrational portal opening for Earth and humanity. The doorway to New Earth is indeed open. On this date, a rare configuration of planetary bodies will form a sacred geometric alignment, creating an intense downpour of Divine Light onto the Earth.


This alignment marks the beginning of a 90-day Ascension Energy Window, a period of accelerated evolution and opportunity that will span approximately three months. During this window, the frequency on Earth will rise substantially, and the fifth-dimensional Earth grids will become highly receptive to higher frequencies. Think of it as the Earth's energy meridians and grids lighting up, ready to absorb and integrate higher vibrations of unity and love. In these 90 days, the veils between the 3D world and higher Realms will be at their thinnest, allowing an expanded flow of cosmic energy to bathe our planet.


This is a gift from the universe to assist you in your rapid upliftment and ascension process. It is as if a grand Cosmic Spotlight will shine upon Earth, Illuminating all that is of light and offering each of you a potent infusion of divine potential. Understand that this window is an opening, a doorway through which you can step into an elevated version of reality if you choose. The energy streaming in from the alignment will support a profound Ascension process on both personal and Collective levels. However, to truly receive and integrate these blessings, you must actively participate in your own transformation.


The entire Universal community stands beside you, collectively holding an expansive framework of light around the planet to support this unfolding. Yet, only you in human form can make the conscious choice to step through this doorway. Now is the time to step forward and consciously participate in your Awakening. A key focus during this period is the recognition of the prime Creator within your own Consciousness. This is a sacred truth the Masters have been reminding you of. The essence of the Creator, the God, Source, the Divine Oneness, resides within the multi-dimensional chambers of your heart. As the alignment's energies amplify, they will mirror and magnify whatever is within you.


Thus, it becomes essential for you to turn your awareness inward and claim the light of prime Creator you carry. A deep inner remembering is required now.


Acknowledge I AM a spark of the Prime Creator's light.


Feel these words resonate in your heart space. During this Ascension window, your heart is the Gateway through which you will access the higher Realms of your being. By consciously realigning to the prime Creator's presence inside you, you maximize the transformational potential of this time. In essence, the more you embrace your own Divinity, the more you can hold and transmit the incoming light frequencies. This inner recognition is the master key that unlocks the benefits of the alignment. I urge you to be still within your heart daily as the energies intensify. In the Stillness of Presence, you will discover a profound truth. The Creator's light has always lived within you.


As your core Consciousness, allow this truth to Blossom during the coming days. This is a time of homecoming, a return to the sacred truth of who you really are. The planetary alignment acts as a cosmic mirror revealing Prime Creator both in the heavens and in the sanctuary of your heart. Meet that reflection with an open heart, and let any sense of separation or unworthiness melt away. In this heightened light, you realize you have never been apart from the Divine. The alignment simply helps you remember and embody this by recognizing the prime Creator within you.


Effectively align your personal frequency to match the higher light pouring onto Earth. In doing so, you become an anchor of the new frequencies, a human conduit of the Divine. This not only accelerates your own Ascension but also makes you a beacon for others. Indeed, as each one of you transforms, the collective field is uplifted. This has always been a fundamental truth. Your individual, conscious actions have a ripple effect across the planet. During this alignment window, that ripple effect is magnified manifold. Each time you choose to align with love to Center in your heart or to recognize the Creator within, an energetic pulse ripples outward through the Earth's grids.


These pulses of Awakened heart energy move through the newly receptive 5D grids, strengthening them, lighting them up, and weaving a new fabric of reality for humanity. You are the Weavers of the new Earth. With every high-frequency thought, every compassionate act, and every moment of gratitude, you are adding threads of light to the collective tapestry. Over the next 90 days, the contributions of Awakened individuals will set a powerful foundation for an even more significant planetary shift on the horizon.


Think of this window as laying the groundwork for humanity's next leap. By the end of this period, the collective vibration can reach a level that makes a future Quantum shift possible. One that might have been unattainable without this Preparatory phase. In simple terms, the work you do now within yourself is seeding the future of the entire world. Realize, too, that this alignment is not just about Earth; it is a Universal Event. Our planet's Ascension is a pivotal point for the Ascension of the entire universe.


Many are actively involved in stabilizing and supporting this enormous shift. Earth moves upward in vibration, enabling new alignments within the universe. Everything is connected. Giant energy ripples born from Earth's Awakening will eventually cascade outwards, touching distant star systems.


That is why I stress the importance of this time.

You are transforming this world and participating in a cosmic movement with Earth as a key node. The alignment on February 28th is like a stone dropped in a Still Pond with concentric waves flowing outward in all directions. The collective field of humanity will be supercharged with potential, and by uplifting this field together, you help steer the course of human Destiny and the destiny of many beings across the Stars. Such is the power and responsibility you carry as Souls incarnate now. You were brave enough to answer the call to be here during this juncture.


Each of you said yes to being on Earth for this sacred evolutionary chapter, knowing from a higher perspective how crucial your presence would be. Remember when you feel the intensity of the journey that you CHOSE to be here and are fully equipped to succeed. Amidst all this Cosmic activity, you must also be vigilant. As the light increases, so too can the illusions of the third-dimensional world clamor more loudly for your attention. Now is the time to be especially mindful of where you focus your Consciousness. In this Modern Age, one of the greatest traps for your awareness is the digital sphere, the endless Maze of information and stimuli known as the internet, along with the barrage of media and headlines that occupy so much mental space.


During this precious 90-Day Ascension Window, it is of Paramount importance not to get distracted by these digital illusions. The Masters observe how easily even awakened ones can become entangled in the fear, drama, and noise that swirls in the online world. Countless false timelines are being propagated, narratives of doom, divisiveness, or glamour that do not have to become your reality unless you feed them with your attention. Yet, if you allow yourself to be constantly plugged into the collective fear or the next Sensational headline, you risk being pulled away from the needed heart-centered focus.


Now, I refer to this phenomenon as Headline-Based Consciousness. A state where one's mood and outlook are swayed by the latest news or social media trends as if the external story being broadcast were more real than the truth rising from within your own spirit. Understand that those flashy headlines and internet debates are often holographic distractions, projections of the old 3D Matrix designed to keep you in a loop of reactivity and disempowerment.


In this alignment period, such distractions can siphon away the transformative energies that are available to you. They are like Phantom realities. They may appear loud and convincing, but they do not nourish your Soul. Many of these Collective narratives are fueled by fear or control-based agendas, and immersing your Consciousness in them can temporarily dim your light or derail your focus. I say this not to instill fear of the internet or media but to encourage discernment. Awakened beings must break free from this pattern of giving undue attention to external chaos.


Whenever you find yourself compulsively scrolling through information feeds or getting emotionally entangled in world events presented to you, pause and step back, and ask yourself, "Is this real to my heart, or is this an illusion that I'm accepting"? You will often recognize it as noise, an echo of collective Shadows rather than the voice of your own truth. The Masters remind you that your true guidance comes from within, from the voice of your Soul and The Whisper of prime Creator in your heart, not from the cacophony of online chatter.


Remember, you create your own reality. This is an eternal spiritual law. Your personal world is shaped by your Consciousness, by what you choose to believe, where you invest your energy, and how you perceive life. In Times Like These, it is critical to embody this truthfully. When you live through internet-based narratives allowing outside stories to define your mindset and vibration, you are, in fact, giving away your power in the ultimate way. It's one thing to stay informed but another to let external information dominate your inner world.


Living according to the scripts that the Media or others provide is akin to handing over the reins of your creative power. You become a passenger on someone else's ride rather than the master of your own journey.


I AM firmly reminding you not to hand over your sacred creative authority.


No matter what unfolds in the outer drama, you hold the pen that writes the story of your life. In each moment, especially during this 90-day Ascension Window, you have the opportunity to choose a narrative grounded in love, hope, and empowerment. By anchoring in your heart and aligning with prime Creator within, you can author a reality that reflects the highest truth, regardless of the swirling narratives in the world.


Consider the following: two people living in the same world can experience vastly different realities. One who is glued to fear-based Media might experience a timeline of anxiety and stagnation. Another who chooses to focus on inner growth and the beauty of each moment experiences a timeline of peace and evolution. Which do you choose?


The energies of the alignment will greatly support whichever path you empower. This is why I caution you to be deliberate with your focus. If you catch yourself being pulled into a collective fear or a digital distraction, gently bring your attention back to your immediate reality. By being present in the present, you can reclaim your power from the external illusion and reenter it within your Sovereign field.


This practice will be immensely liberating. You will realize that you do not have to subscribe to any reality that doesn't resonate with your Soul. You are a sovereign being of light, a Creator incarnate. Living your truth boldly and refusing to energize a fear-based timeline is one of the greatest contributions you can make to the collective. It silently gives others permission to do the same, to step out of the illusion and into empowerment. Set your intent to create from your highest wisdom each morning. By doing this, you're programming your day with your own narrative, one aligned to your Soul before the world's narratives flood in.


Next, commit to periods of digital detox or mindfulness each day, especially during this 90-day Ascension Window. This doesn't mean you cannot use technology or read the news, but do so consciously. Limit the time you engage with online content that doesn't uplift your spirit. When you do engage, practice observing without absorbing. Remind yourself that you are an observer of the play, not a character locked in the drama. If an external story triggers fear or anger, acknowledge the feeling and consciously release it rather than react. You may use a mantra such as "I release all energies that do not serve my highest good," then refocus on something that keeps your vibration high, like stepping outside to breathe fresh air, reciting an affirmation, or envisioning the new Earth you are helping to birth.


Another powerful aspect of this step is creative visualization. Regularly take time to vividly imagine the life and world you wish to create. See it, feel it, and live in that vision for a few moments as if it is already real. This trains your Consciousness to align with that timeline. By consistently maintaining this Sovereign Focus, you effectively become the author of your reality, writing a story aligned with Love No Matter What appears externally. This is Advanced Self-Mastery in action, living from the Inside Out.


The more you practice it, the more you experience tangible shifts and synchronicities affirming that the universe responds to your empowered intent. Employing these steps during the 90-day Ascension Window will help you stay balanced, heart-centered, and open to the vast gifts of alignment.


They may seem simple, but they are powerful when practiced consistently and with all your might. In essence, all three steps are about conscious engagement - engaging with your Divine self, the Prime Creator within. Engage with Mother Earth and the collective in love and engage with your own mind to keep it aligned with your Soul's truth. Together, these practices form a trinity of alignment with Heaven, Creator, Earth, and Self. This Trinity creates a stable foundation for you to carry the new frequencies and step into the new Earth vibration.


Beloved humans, the time is NOW.

The long-awaited moment has arrived when you stand at the threshold of a grand transformation. The Doorway to New Earth is open.


I invite you to step across this threshold with trust and an open heart. All your work on your spiritual path has led you to this moment. All the trials, lessons, and awakenings of the past years have prepared you to embrace this higher reality that is emerging now. It is simply about choosing love over fear, truth over illusion, and inner guidance over external distractions.


Choose to see the prime Creator in your own reflection. Choose to believe in the world of Harmony and peace that lies beyond the chaos. As you make these choices moment to moment, you literally walk into a higher dimensional experience while still being here on Earth. That is the miracle of this Ascension process. The world around you may look the same at first glance, but as you shift, you will notice how much more light, connection, and magic fill your life.


The New Earth is being born through you. A new dawn is here. The alignment of February 28th opens a rare window of Grace. A 90-Day Ascension Window. The energies of Ascension are flooding in. The Earth herself is rejoicing in anticipation of Liberation, and your Soul is ready for the next leap. Embrace this time with an open heart and a focused Mind. Release what needs to be released, whether it is old fears, grudges, or simply the habit of looking outside yourself for truth. Let it all go, for it does not belong where you are going. Step lightly and joyfully into the new frequencies. Celebrate the fact that you have made it to this threshold. Many Souls wish to be here for this, and you are here by Divine Design. You are Creation in motion and Limitless as you align with prime Creator within.


There is nothing you can not heal or transform. As you join together in love and clarity, there is nothing you cannot lift or shift in this world. This 90-day Ascension Window is only the beginning of a much greater blossoming. It will establish the momentum that carries you into the larger Cosmic events to come and eventually into a fully realized new Earth era.


The dawn of a new age is here because you are here. Your role now, more than ever, is to be the steady flame that guides others home. I look forward to continuing to assist you in this process.


Blessings,  love, and freedom,

Master Kuthumi



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