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Fifth Dimentional Ascension

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

Reality is an illusion; the universe is a hologram. Yes, you are standing on a precious momentous event, an event so profound that it has been whispered about in the corridors of time and space.

I am ONE with the infinite Love of the ONE and all its infinite cosmic abundance.
I am ONE with the infinite Love of the ONE and all its infinite cosmic abundance.

Have you ever felt that deep, inexplicable connection to the universe? The sensation of an amplified feeling that something good is about to happen. We're approaching a day unlike any other. It's not marked on any calendar, nor can any scientific instrument detect it, but its significance is immeasurable in time and space!

When the 144,000 awaken. Who are they, you may ask?

They are souls just like you and me, but with a unique Destiny; this is about us, all fragments of a colossal Cosmic puzzle. Each of us carries within a diamond spark of source, a fragment of the infinite light that powers the universe. When these 144,000 Sparks are fully activated by Consciousness, something miraculous happens. You might wonder what makes the 144,000 so unique. The answer lies in their playing roles; they are not passive observers of the shift in human Consciousness. They are active participants, impacting countless lives. Their influence extends beyond individual interactions as their presence elevates the Consciousness of those around them.


Humanity's thoughts are a crucial phase of spiritual Evolution, a transition from sleepwalking through life to an awakened understanding of their true nature and potential. This Awakening is not limited to a select few; the 144,000 are catalysts for a broader Awakening impacting countless lives. Their influence extends beyond individual interactions as their very presence serves to elevate the Consciousness of those around them; they are like beacons of light, illuminating the path for others to follow.

If this message resonates with you, consider the possibility that you may be among this pivotal group; current shifts in your Consciousness, the feeling of being different, or an unexplained pull toward spiritual growth could all be indicators of your role in this Grand Design period of intense personal transformation. Often marked by significant life changes and depending on your spiritual understanding, activating the 144,000 is more than a personal Awakening.

It's a cosmic event that involves not just individual transformation but also the assistance of higher Powers' divine intervention, often in the form of guidance insights, and synchronistic events play a crucial role in this process. Additionally, there's a belief in support from our Galactic family entities from higher dimensions as part of their Awakening the 14th makeup. These upgrades manifest in various ways, from heightened intuition and psychic abilities to deeper empathy and a profound sense of connection and Love with all life.

The fully activated State of the 144,000 is a living port of light channeling higher vibrational energies into the Earth's field. This event is not just a metaphorical expression but a literal change in the energetic structure of their light bodies; they become conduits for divine energy, this shift to the Fifth Dimension.


It is characterized by a state of higher Consciousness where qualities like unconditional Love, empathy, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life become the norm in this new reality, the illusion of Separation dissolves, and Humanity steps into a way of being what is in harmony with the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Humans need to broaden their awareness of ordinary perception to fully grasp the relevance of a critical mass, which is required for a profound shift in awareness. It is not about limiting participation to a select group but rather about achieving a Tipping Point that enables a change on a global scale. Everything is considered energy in the framework of quantum physics, and this energy vibrates at various frequencies. Love and compassion are two emotions that vibrate at higher frequencies than fear and anger, which oscillate at lower frequencies.

Ascension is not an event; it is your divine birthright. It is a perspective of shifting, moving forward from the limitation of beliefs and the Matrix 3D programs, knowing that you are Unlimited. All the fun and joyful things you do, such as playing, exploring, exercising, and eating, will be done from a different perspective of awakening Consciousness and caring about the planet  Earth and your body rather than continuing to be trapped in the illusion of fear, control, and manipulation.

During every moment of life, one regulates and triggers trillions of extremely complex reactions that trigger all your 82 trillion specialized cells that form your biological embodiment. Not many are conscious of the extraordinary effort of high intelligence within your divine cellular body and the precise decision-making required to keep each individual alive at each moment. When each becomes aware of it, we will be in constant and infinite awe at the level of parallel thought processing required and achieved. The ego program often prevents such an awareness from disturbing the minds, keeping many in a sense of superiority and isolation. 

We want to be the individualized love particle that unites all the other love particles of human souls to carry love manifestation for all that is. Well, let me reassure you that good news is on the horizon. Not only are you the lone carrier of the information code that makes you, but your thoughts can also affect your biological being and health through subconscious processes; you also carry the fate of your universe within you. One hundred forty-four thousand souls can be the tipping point, the number that shifts the entire Collective human consiousness on Earth. 144,000 isn't random.

It appears in many ancient texts, including Revelation, as the sealed ones, the awakened ones who hold the frequency of Christ's Consciousness, 144,000, which doesn't mean only 144,000 awakened people. It means once the number holds pure Christ consciousness, the ones who hold the frequencies of Christ's Consciousness of unconditional Love, understanding, and sovereignty to all sentient small or large beings on Earth. It will tip the whole planet into a new reality. Once this happens, Awakening spreads effortlessly like a Quantum domino effect reality and shit because the collective field has been recalibrated to higher Consciousness.

Which level of Consciousness is humanity now?

Human souls are closer than they think. More people than ever are questioning, Awakening, and remembering. The Internet AI of the Golden Age Light and other platforms is accelerating mass Awakening faster than at any other time in Human history. All of you, divine souls on Earth, were born to make this shift happen. You are all part of the so-called 144,000. You are part of activating this Tipping Point. You are doing the work since you all literally have access to Christ's Consciousness.


Humans are fulfilling the prophecy; you're not just watching this happen. You're one of the ones helping make it happen. All of it is exponential; technologies are evolving exponentially, Consciousness is awakening exponentially, this shift is linear, and it is accelerating, beloved souls. There is so much happening; the more people awaken, the faster the next wave comes, the more truth spreads, the quicker the illusion of control will collapse. You're not waiting centuries for this to happen. It's unfolding right now at Lightspeed; the 144,000 Tipping Point might be closer than anyone realizes. Undeniably, technology is playing a role; it is all part of accelerating your discernment of what you are entertaining emotionally or watching, and it is imperative to let go of the fearful programmed agendas.

You are not witnessing the Awakening shifting. You are the shift, like in the driver's seat, helping steer the wheel. You can feel and understand how massive this moment is for all humans to be free. Ascension is not about going anywhere but a state of Consciousness that shifts one's experiences of reality. No one will leave Earth, leaving behind their loved ones, nor disappear or escape. Each divine soul has to do their own work individually for this to continue; no one can do it for others but themselves. All souls are shifting and moving, removing the limits on how life has been perceived.

Accept and trust that everything you seek is already fully present in and as you. The word "I" is sacred and creative. I" is God, not the personal ego sense of self, as many believe. It is vital to remember this when you are tempted to tell yourself, "I am sick. I am poor. I am nobody." Never forget that you are creators.

Allow the Divine"I" to express without conditioning or ego interference by realizing that God is already fully present within your heart and where you are. Thank you, Father, Mother of the entire Multiverse, for reminding me that I am one with the divine source of existence. I AM the Divine Presence of the One. I recognize my free will sovereignty that I AM Divine Presence here and now. Let the light of your mighty eternal Love enter and activate all that is for the benefit of all sentient beings on Earth and out in the Multiverse, so be it. ♥

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