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Nova Era

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

If you look at all the problems from afar, as a whole, whatever is generating the dark forces cannot be there existing for themselves. Someone or something is generating them, which must be targeted. The problem is that something or someone is not entirely "bad" because if it were, then it wouldn't be able to generate the dark forces in the first place—the ones causing all that are the Hu-mans themselves, on Earth, and up there together. Some generate darker thoughts than others by focusing on giving all that attention, acting in fear, and living in duality. You can know the dark but not act upon it; therefore, one creates the necessary contrast to develop the opposite, the Light, without manifesting the dark.

Everything is astral; everything is one mass, one range of vibration frequencies, and each consciousness can only see whatever is in its range of perception. And that depends on its thoughts and emotions.  Hu-mans became compatible to see what was not in the range of their perception, thoughts, and emotions. Because despite being so positive, they failed to watch their backs. They did not follow their sovereignty, self-governance, and auto-sufficient in being kind and nice but carrying a big stick. The real merit is in those who, knowing they are monsters, choose not to be and become light beings.


Everyone thought of themselves as of high frequency and didn't see any dangers coming, so they were unprepared and got taken over. Some might ask, "How did one create the invaders entering one's reality if one didn't see them by living in a very high frequency? How did they manifest that, and how did the many become a match to that? Because everyone on Earth is always a match to the exterior reality.

Hu-mans are compatible in vibration with whatever event they put their attention to. Stop watching the news, regardless of how true they are,  where you aren't capable of help.


The point of being alive in physicality is to equal the existential frequencies of all the beings who are also using a biological suit to be able to share the same realm, like a human body, which is a bio-suit, not a "species" just because they are in the physical, that is what being in the physical is for. If one is a true, complete vibration, which one truly is, one is untouchable. One is a light being.


Nevertheless, one vibration is still compatible with one or another event. On Earth are other factors, like One's unconscious, which is all one has been before, which can arise to give self problems, making one compatible with bad things when you thought you were not.


One must function in both ways, to hold as high a vibration as possible yet carry a gun for protection. In the New Age, humans say that you cannot protect yourself from evil things without creating those evil things you are protecting yourself from. But that is more of a light being thinking or thought. Because in practice, in real life on Earth and on other planets, things are not so easy.


One can be as positive as possible but not be blind to danger and negativity. One must be strong enough to know and face anything negative that may be on its way. Even if it arises, one can solve the problem. Everything is mind; everything is vibration. Know your opponents; in reality, vibration alone fixes everything; it does fix the problem by facing it with no fear. What makes things complicated to manage and understand when you are in the so-called physical world is that there are other vibrational factors that you are not aware of and that play a role in manifesting what you experience. That is the whole point of living in the physical world. To learn how to control all those factors, your mind and consciousness fully determine what you live. People are complicated most of the time. They don't even know what they want, and that's all right.


The unconscious is one, but one does not wish to look at the unresolved parts. So, they come up and dictate one's fate. One must not fear one's darkness but know it very well. A person loops because of their attachments by becoming a frequency match to repeating those sets of experiences. Every time one loops, it creates another alternate version of the original timeline, like jumping from one experience to another, repeating it as something we either like or see as a failure, and feeling the need to amend it.


What someone is thinking, attachments, interests, and everything else are a frequency that will determine the experience entertained. It is not as if thoughts have a frequency; it is more like thoughts are a frequency.


The Universe just is. Only given a meaning by an observer, but not as in the Universe being apart from the observer but being the observer simultaneously. As one observer, the Universe is only an idea, a reflection of itself. No, 'souls' float around, leaving bodies weighing 20 grams, as many say. We are all in a "digital" Matrix, whatever "D, dimensional density" one may live in.

All is made of standing waves, not particles. A standing wave will manifest in a node, a particle you could observe as Planck's constant in Earth physics, even energy. A node in a standing wave in a potential energy medium is the minimum part of the "material world." To have a node (particle), you need a standing wave in the medium (potential energy). That wave needs frequency-specific harmonics and rhythm to form.


And all those harmonics and all those frequencies are not isolated. They are always inter-meshed with the ones that form other particles, which will form hard matter. So, when you understand the harmonics of anything, you can manifest or produce an object from potential energy, even if the first object is only a particle.


That is the field of the Matrix for us all. Consciously = frequently = Potential energy = off. Created particle = on. All that is and can be observed is frequency and harmonics in a field of potential energy. It is a mathematical impossibility to look for something and not find it. It may take more energy than expected and more "time," but it will come. This is because it is only you who is making everything up. You are the one with a consciousness and self-awareness that one exists. But from a higher perspective outside the perceived limitations of the physical body.


All are represented with perfect mathematical precision. You control the math. You control the frequency. You control the harmonics, you control the particle, you control physical reality. You are a Divine manifestation of the ONE. Love yourself, and all will become a reflection of the Divine within all creations of the One.

A humble Heart desires to send Love, Peace to everyone, and Freedom forth this Truth in conscious and omnipotent Love to enlighten the process in which their energy is emitted as particles or love waves.


Beloved hearts, restoring the Divine Mother Earth is a reality starting at individual bases or perhaps gathering together to spread and elevate the efforts to dispense the Light from your Hearts with new ideas for expanding the collective consciousness.


Divine HU-mans, the new era is here, there is no past or future 3D or 5 D is all happening right now all at the same time some of your great truths are being given to you all within your heart portal or stargate, remember the heart is not a pump. Remember, there are no longer black magicians' nor powerful feeders of destructive energy. When the

destructive world of individuals ceases to act with discordant suggestions and discordant feelings!

The great cry of individuals who are being used destructively today to try and spread the fear of war over humanity, have no longer power in America! These progressive beings on Earth will be completely consumed by their own actions and deeds, only the discarnate entities are to be clear from the Earth.

The Nova era is now a new day for all HU-mans to live in a charmed world of beauty and perfection. Great Peace which will rest upon all HU-mans, to find that peace which passeth understanding.

Divine HU-mans hold Harmony and make your calls through your heart stargate. Be grateful for the privilege that is yours to continue to operate it, giving all into the Hands of the Power of Wisdom and Light within your hearts! By calling forth ONE divine Perfection, Leaving one's heart all  Mighty Action of producing that Perfection in the Hands of the Great Power of Light! There are many times when physical action is required in the fulfillment of the Great Law, but still, it is the Great Law acting.

Therefore, remember that when you call for your Divine and unconditional LOVE power to God all Divine creation to experience in Unison this new era “The Nove era of the Golden age”. Your self Gobern and Souvereing's autonomous divine truth will give forth the truth of the condition behind the scenes. To enter this new portal of the light through the divine rainbow bridge that crosses the confines of your marvelous and vibrant Hu-mans light by sending forth your Mighty "I AM" Divine consciousness and let the Wisdom and the Power of the Great Cosmic Beings and the Ascended Hu-mans omnipotent love.  

Who are wielding those Light Rays, render that Service to all that breathe and respires in the air, water, earth, fire, and spirit without struggle, without battle will come the Great Change and the Blessing of all that The mighty God Creator of the multiverse bestowed to you all within your hearts and the Divine Mother Aria the Earth. The unified field is pure consciousness and each One possesses this connection to source to choose to live in a blissful connection of the unified field by consciously expressing it in all its forms; mental, physical, spiritual, verbal, and most importantly emotional. This divine blissful and creative intelligence is based on pure unconditional Love, peace, and Joy.

This has nothing to do with the intellectual or analytical mind but rather the understanding of this field's connection to all that is within and out and the experience of it that does everything. Letting go of the auto-programmed mind can assist the One to transcend through the experience of the field of pure Consciousness. The field of pure divine connection to the source of knowingness is like an ocean of solutions for the enjoyment of pure vibrant consciousness and intuition. The practice of pure Consciousness is called enlightenment.

Beloved Hu-man Light! Arise! In the Mighty Glory of your True Being, go forth! A Mighty Conquering Presence. Be! "The Light of God that never fails." Go forth!

Be Divine forever!

Your Star Families.












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