I first heard of Sonia through a community FaceBook. Her words, it was like she was channeling messages. They made my heart vibrate. I felt a deep resonance and longing to connect.
After reading her website, Oracle Project Earth, I knew I had to do sessions with her. I didn’t know much about DNA Activation, but I wanted to experience more as a MultiDimensional Being.
I am a remedial massage therapist. And I know that I do so much more than massages. I now know that I am a facilitator of energy who brings the bodies into a balanced state, as I integrate all other healing modalities.
Along with my life path, I had been doing courses to heal myself (emotional baggage). It took many years, and it felt like a slow process. But with Sonia’s works!....it speeds up the years of trying.
I got so much more than I expected! And I would get a confirmation in my dreams of the stages of where I am at this time Especially seeing the Reptilians through the veil.....that was insane! After first clearing, because I felt how fast the work was, I knew I could not wait many more years to do what I have to do for myself.
I just completed the DNA Activation, and am ready for the next level. Sonia’s work is assisting me to remember how to be more in my 5D self. My emotional baggage is dissipating away. I feel stronger in my energy, clearer, and happier. I am ready to focus on my mission in life, and no longer stuck in old emotional dramas. Woohoo!
Sonia is also a great mentor. I love how she assists me to understand my dreams and reminds me how to be in my own empowerment. She would make time for after sessions catch up, which is very supportive.
If anyone wishes to seriously clear their ‘stuff’ and to move forward quickly, as we all should be in 5D and ascend with Gaia, don’t delay.
I highly recommend Sonia’s sessions.
Thank you, Sonia, I resonate with your words of wisdom. I feel the power of your work. Most of all, I feel safe and genuine with you. I am grateful to my Higher Self to have found you.
When I first started the session on my DNA activation with Sonia, I wasn't easily convinced; I had doubts and reservations, I was skeptical. After the first session, I felt like I was a new person. I never experienced myself this way.
I stop listening voices in my head.
Even if the funds weren't abundant in my bank account, I followed Sonia's guidance every time she talked to me,
I felt my energy shifting, and she told me that I only require asking within my heart what I expect to see manifest to continue these amazing DNA activations. I remember she said;
It is not your job to seek how or what you want to see manifest in your life will be delivered to you. It is your noble desire to ASK with your heart!
Well, I sold my house in Cancun to a Canadian family in a week and a half after our first session; I began to feel more at peace and connected to everything. I'm more compassionate towards people and animals. I continued to work with Sonia all of the ways, and recently, I met a man that I like to call my twin flame.
I find a sense of purpose in why I am here and what I'm supposed to do with my life. My psychic abilities enhanced to 100%. I can remember my dreams, and sometimes I can make astral travel when I'm awake. I suddenly find myself in other realities, so I follow Sonia's guidance on what to do as this happens. In the past, I was reading Tarot cards for free, afraid of my self-worth; now, people pay me 80 dollars per reading which I never thought could be possible.
My life has been very different since Sonia guided me. I now choose to believe that all I need is within myself, and I am capable of doing anything I put in mind. Thank you for being in this heaven on earth amiga, there are no words to describe Sonia's process of DNA activation. If you read this testimonial, don't let yourself down; trust in your own guidance and hers! There is more than meet the eye to you all; I see this every time I read the Tarot cards.
I recommend Sonia's sessions somehow when she speaks; it feels like I was in another world, like magic! If you find yourself reading her website, it is true that it is not a coincidence; it is because you are ready to experience your real self for more than you are now.
Sonia Belleza, Muchas Gracias, Eres la Mejor! XoXoXo...
Colombina M. Santa Fe,
New México